Saturday, May 28, 2016

Todo Pasa

So, I could not sleep today. Much coveted sleep. Much more coveted was the rare chance to sleep!

But still I could not.

"Sleep", has a different connotation for mothers! Especially if you are a mother of a toddler. Even more so, if you happen to have two in place of one, like yours truly! But, I actually got a chance today. Rare chance to nap, that too in the afternoon, all by myself. Family members taking care of both my toddlers, I could sneak in to my room just to sleep! No tiny hands strangling me in sleep, no small feet kicking me in holy abandon, no one trying to sleep on my pillow leaving the entire bed seem like an abandoned football ground.

And I could not sleep.
I missed those tiny hands, the tiny feet, the battle for the pillow. So much so that I came to my long forgotten best friend and started pouring my heart out. Yes, my blog. She has been waiting for me for two years to come back to her. And I didn’t come to her. I was busy ruffling the two unruly crops of hair, kissing them million times, wiping their tears when they fell while trying to walk, jump or run. Between cleaning poop, trying to feed, putting to sleep, I was busy discovering my own self. I was lost in the songs my two year old sings, holding my face and looking in to my eyes. I still am. I am maddeningly in love with a tiny voice which says “mamma, sho” ("lie down beside me", in Bengali), so that he can snuggle with me. I am busy savouring each moment of being a mom. Each tired, sleep deprived, blog forgotten, unsocial moment.

And I know this too shall pass. “Todo pasa y todo queda” (everything passes and everything stays). That’s the way life goes. Very soon, they will not need me the way they need me today. Their world will become so vast that "mamma" will be only a tiny part in it. The world of mittens and booties will be replaced by soccer shoes may be! The tiny hands that tug at my neck and my heart, will be holding books and pens and laptops and what not. My babies will become men one day, quite soon.

But till the day passes, I welcome one more sleepless night trying to fit in the bed with both of them. I look forward to the snuggles, the endless games of hide and seek, the endless feeding tantrums, the drawings on the walls, the scribblings on my notebook. Let me sing endless lullabies even when I am exhausted after a hard day at work. Let me love being a mommy of two naughty toddlers , just for some more time.

Precious moments, don’t go away so fast that I can’t blink my eyes, in fear that these fairy-tale moments will be all gone soon.

Time, wait for this silly mommy to grow up too!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great to get you back and that too through a subject like this which any mom will relate to so deeply.... Beautifully expressed...and as the unknown person says above, still a lot to pen down....which we will be waiting for so eagerly !

    1. Moumita, thanks for the much needed encouragement! :)

  3. Good to see you back. Good to see, you still have the author alive inside you. The little girl, always eager to express is still peeping. Not too far when she will be out and dancing in joy. Great start, still a lot to pen down.

  4. Wonderfully expressed ! The 'mommy' world is a fabulous one, tiring at times stiffling yet extremely fulfilling with a longing to cherish each moment lifelong. Your blog says it all. Keep writing my friend!

    1. Thanks Minakshi! I know how you relate to the feelings! :)

  5. Cherish them Arunima...the moments of pure joy & love.
    The strongest & deepest of human emotions.
    "Let me love you a little more, before you are not little anymore" ~ Anonymous.

  6. Very beautifully penned down...
    Your emotions and feelings are very precious, cherish these moments
